Begin the journey of reconnecting with your whole, happy, and free self!
I AM HEALED is a 4-Month program that focuses on connecting with your body, soul, and spirit. Whatever limitations or blocks you’re experiencing, this program will support you to connect, heal, and be empowered!

Program Outline

Month 1 Focus - Awareness
During Weeks 1 & 2, we self-reflect within the frame of our heart space instead of head space and establish specific intentions for this healing journey.

During Weeks 3 & 4, we begin to create our own connection practice. This is the primary tool we will use to be mindfully and intuitively led along our healing journey.
- This will include meditation and breath work practices.

Month 2 Focus - Physical Healing & Wellness
During Weeks 1 & 2, we explore holistic nutrition & movement principles for physical health, connecting with our body, and then discover where we can better support our body, and create nourishing habits that are aligned with our intentions to then implement in our daily lives.

During Weeks 3 & 4, as we begin implementing more aligned habits around supporting our physical bodies, we now begin re-connecting with our bodies in a way that we can explore deeper where we need more connection and healing emotionally, mentally, and energetically.

Month 3 Focus - Emotional & Mental Healing & Wellness

During Weeks 1 & 2, we will identify and understand emotions through self-reflection and practice expressing, releasing, and transmuting negative or unsupportive emotions.

During Weeks 3 &4, we will challenge and reframe limiting beliefs. We will rediscover our truth and choose new beliefs to begin developing positive thought patterns and affirmations.

Month 4 Focus - Spiritual Connection and Integration

During Weeks 1 & 2, we will deepen meditation practices for spiritual connection, and explore multiple energetic and spiritual healing modalities.

During Weeks 3 & 4, we will establish personal rituals for meaningful connection and growth, and engage in ceremonies for healing and continual renewal.

Also Included in the Program:

  • Weekly Live Sessions (60mins, our first session will be 90mins)

  • Weekly Guided Meditations & Visualizations to deepen your connection & transformation

  • Supportive Affirmations & Worksheets to support your integration

  • Comprehensive weekly downloadables with tips, rituals & exercises for embodiment
